What a Summer! I can't believe its been almost four months and to be honest, it flew by! Lots of cakes, lots of summer nights out on the lake and finally, a decision to go "brick and mortar". For those of you who didn't know, I've spent the last three years creating my edible art in a very small "studio" kitchen (its also where I cook Jim dinner each night :) So in August, with my wonderful husband's assistance, we decided to take the plunge and lease a building in Big Bear Lake that coincidentially has been a bakery for the last 30 years, the past three unsuccessfully. But we are going to change that and bring my particular brand of fresh baked goodness to Big Bear Lake. Announcing the Sugar Pine Bake Shop, opening in October. I'll post updates as the progress continues and let you in on the process of giving the bakery a much needed retail makeover. To see a full size version of the flyer - go to the shops website: http://www.sugarpinebakeshop.com